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The Master Distributor System developed by The Systems House is a comprehensive set of business application programs designed to serve the needs of companies in the

distribution and wholesale industries.

Contained in MDS are the modules needed to perform the day-to-day operational functions of the company such as order entry, invoicing , inventory control, purchasing

and accounts payable. By design, these modules provide, as a by-product, the accounting information needed to report on performance of the corporation, and to serve as a tool for

management to direct future activities of the organization.


The objective of this document is to provide specific operating instructions to those who

will work with the system on a day-to-day basis. Included are step-by-step operating instructions for all of the programs - complete with screen layout and sample copies of the reports produced by the system. It should be used in conjunction with the operating system reference manuals, provided with your system.




If, for any reason, a problem should occur, you should follow the procedures outlined below.



Support for your hardware system is contracted with your hardware vendor on a monthly basis. A customer engineer (CE) is assigned to your account, and will perform all

equipment maintenance, usually under contract. If you encounter a problem, call the vendor at the number provided. If you are not certain if the malfunction is software or

hardware related, then we suggest you contact TSH or your local MDS dealer.



Support for your applications software is available from both your local MDS dealer or The Systems House. Our experience indicates that software support questions fall into

four categories.


1. Program malfunctions - If the program results in an abort or if it does not run at all, write down any information that appears on the screen and report the problem to

TSH (973-777-8050), or to your local dealer. Generally it is unwise to continue operation of your system until this type of problem is resolved.


2. Incorrect results - If the program operates correctly but, for one reason or another you feel the result you are obtaining is wrong, please consult your system

documentation manual first. If you still have questions, contact TSH or your dealer.


3. Request for information - TSH's desire is for you to obtain the maximum benefit from your system. That is the primary reason that this manual has been provided

for your use. However, there will be circumstances which develop that have not been covered by the documentation. The nature of your question might be a clarification of something in the manual, how to handle a specific business or

operational problem, or questions about the availability of a particular option.

Our support hot-line is available 8:00AM - 6:00 PM Eastern time to handle these types of questions. Alternately you can enter a support ticket online using our CRS system


4. Enhancements or modifications - Requests for modifications to your system should be directed to either your dealer or the TSH Support Group. Sometimes these requests might require an on-site visit or written documentation. Call TSH so that a determination of the scope of the change and its probable cost can be made. We might be able to make you aware of a feature currently available which would

address your need or recommend the most feasible method of implementing your specific request.



The most important function you, as a manager, can perform to make your system more helpful to you is to learn it thoroughly. Obviously, the more you know about the system

and how it works the more flexible it will become in solving your business problems. The installation representative assigned by your dealer is thoroughly familiar with the MDS

package and the modifications (if any) that have been made for you. Most of your practical 'how to do it� knowledge will come from the installer.

Remember that now that you will be using a computer system, your normal work flow will change to some degree. The computer will handle all of the work that has been

designed for it, however, it is essential that the work flow in your organization be reviewed, and that the impact the computer will have on job functions and business

operation be understood and planned for.



Experience has shown that the most successful systems are those that have one individual who is totally responsible for the administration of the computer system. This individual

can be anyone within your organization with a good knowledge of your business, and an understanding of the objectives you seek from your computer system. He or she must be

a responsible individual and have your total support. This 'SITE SUPERVISOR' serves as the primary liaison between your company and your dealer. After training, this person

becomes an 'EXPERT' with the computer and is always available to deal with the unexpected. Therefore, the training program is centered around this individual.

Generally, training sessions involve the 'SITE SUPERVISOR' and one or two other key people who are to perform the particular application. For example, when training order

entry, the 'site supervisor' and one or two key people from the order department should participate. These three, in turn, will be responsible for completing the detailed training of all the order entry clerks who will actually perform order processing.

In addition to thoroughly learning the system, the site supervisor will be expected to regularly carry out all those tasks important to system integrity. Naturally this would

include prompt reporting of all hardware difficulties to the appropriate field service facility. This responsibility should be in the hands of a senior person. A responsible

person can assist in creating a well-run system for both you and your dealers.



The installation representative is the person responsible for the coordination of a smooth transition from your current method of operation to the new system. During the

installation phase, the installer will be your primary point of contact with TSH. All questions, problems, and schedules should be handle through the installer. With this is mind, the primary responsibilities of the installation representative are:

* To assist in testing and debugging your system prior to installation.

* To train your supervisors on how to operate the system.

* To help management understand the system.

* To teach both management and supervisors how to document problems

discovered in the system.

* To help management develop a thorough system test to insure a successful


* To aid management in setting target dates for file conversion, system training, parallel run and going live




The most important things you can do are:

1. Always back-up your system once each day.

2. Always have at least 5 days back up for your system. (One for each business

day of the week)

3. Always save the End of Month file saves for the last three months.

4. At least once a month, perform a test restore

