Sales Analysis

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Product Analysis Reports

The Product Analysis Reports Menu gives the user access to various product analysis by Product, Warehouse, Product Class, Units and Dollars.



Customer Analysis Reports

The Customer Analysis Reports menu gives the user access to various customer analysis by Customer, Gross Profit, without Gross Profit, Salesman, Company, Salesman, Units and Dollars.



Customer-Product Sales Reports

The Customer-Product Sales Reports Menu gives the user access to various customer product analysis by Customer, Product, Salesman, Product Class, Shipto, History and Targeted Potential Sales.



Sales History Inquiries

The Sales History Inquiries Menu gives the user access to various sales analysis by Product, Customer, Salesman and Product Class.



Sales Analysis Reports using Crystal Reports

The Sales Analysis Reports Using Crystal Reports Menu gives the user access to various Product Analysis, Customer Analysis and Customer/Product Sales Reports in a crystal format.
