Warehouse Management

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Location Maintenance

Location Maintenance gives the abiltiy to enter or maintain warehouse locations. This procedure contains a single entry for each location in each warehouse.


The Location file describes the physical nature of each location, and will indicate if a product is stored in that location.



Location Labels

Location Labels provides the option of printing location labels for specific, range or all locations utilizing a zebra or laser label.



Environment Maintenance

Environment Maintenance procedure allows the user to create codes for environmental conditions.



Location Adjustment

Location Adjusement procedure allows the user to adjust quantities in a specific location.



Location Movement

Location Movement procedure allows the user to move and make location changes for an item.



Location Lot Movement

Location Lot Movement procedure allows the user to move and make location changes for lot items.



Location Report Menu

The Location Report Menu gives the user access to various reports; Location with Negative Onhand, Locations with Multiple Products, Unused Locations, Products with Multiple Locations and On Hand Inventory by Location.



Purchase Order Receiving Form

Purchasing Order Receiving Form gives the user the ability to print, reprint, fax or email a Purchase Order and/or Receiving Form.


There are 3 ways to display the Purchase Orders to Print/Reprint a Purchase Order or Receiving Form:


1. By vendor number.

2. Inputting a range of purchase order numbers.

3. Inputting the purchase order number.


Once the Purchase Orders are highlighted the user would select the PRINT function key to print the purchase order and the RecvForm function key to print the receiving form.



Purchase Order Receipts Menu

The Purchase Order Receipts Menu gives the user access to PO Receipts Posting, PO Drop Ship Receipts billing, PO/Work Order Receipts Posting, Receiver Status Inquiry/Update and Receipts and Putaway Reporting.



Batch Pick Ticket Print

Batch Pick Ticket Print will print all releases not on credit hold that have not been printed. If Parameter(99) PICK.INV.PRICE.HOLD is set to �P�, then the pick ticket will not be printed, since items on the release are on price hold.



Replenishment - Orders to Be Picked

Replenishment - Orders to Be Picked report should be run prior to each picking run, each pick location (primary and solid) is examined to determine which locations are in need of replenishment.



Batch Pick Ticket Reprint

Batch Pick Ticket Reprint will reprint releases not on credit hold that have not been printed. If Parameter(99) PICK.INV.PRICE.HOLD is set to �P�, then the pick ticket will not be printed, since items on the release are on price hold.


The user has the options for wireless picking, original pick batch date and the pick batch number to reprint.



Replenishment - Nightly Run

Replenishment - Nightly Run will will bring all pick locations up to their maximum stocking levels.


The replenishment process is initiated by the need to replenish the stock in the primary pick locations (primary and solid) used during order selection.



Replenishment Labels

Replenishment Labels gives the user the abiltiy to print a replenishment label for a specific transfer number.



Replenishment Completion

Replenishment Completion will transfer the inventory from one location to the other location, and update the Inventory Audit file. This program will display all open transfers, and allow the user to select the transfers that have been completed.



Batch Pick Report

Batch Pick Report displays by warehouse all products, locations and quantity to be picked.



Replenishment Assignment

Replenishment Assignment is used to see all assigned pick tickets to a specific picker and the pick status.



Pick Ticket Assignment Inquiry



Pick Ticket Assignment Update



Picker, Packer Productivity Report



Picker Statistics Detail Report

Picker Statistics Detail Report displays details of each pickers progress.



Picker Statistics Summary Report

Picker Statistics Summary Report displays each picker and their progress.




Verification - Invoicing is used after the picking process has been completed, used to prepare releases for invoice processing and enter picking discrepancies. The remaining quantities will either remain on backorder for subsequent processing or be cancelled.



Shipping Update

The Shipping Update is used to update the Release and MDS System with freight information downloaded from UPS, Fedex, etc,



Batch Shipping Update

Packing Slip Reprint Inquiry gives the user the ability to reprint, fax, or email a packing slip.


There are 3 ways to display the releases to reprint:

1. By customer number.

2. Inputting a range of release numbers.

3. Inputting the release number.



Packing Slip



Void Shipment

Void Shipment provides the ability to void a shipment. Please note you sill need to void the transaction from your shipping provider (ex: UPS, FedEX, etc).



Manifest System

The Manifest System gives the user access to Manifest Maintenance, Manifest Print, Unmanifested Releases Report and Truck Route Maintenance.



Carousel Exception Report



Pick Ticket Assign Batch Date Rpt

Pick Ticket Assign Batch Date Report prints with the option of selecting bulk, piece or all pick types and specific, range or all pick batch numbers.



Quick Count Inventory Menu

The Quick Count Inventory Menu gives the user access to Quick Count Creation, Quick Count Entry and Quick Count Inventory Report.



Replenishment Report Reprint

Replenishment Report Reprint will give the user the ability to reprint a specific transfer number.



Reprint Pack Labels

Reprint Pack Labels gives the user the ability to reprint pack labels for a specific release.



Create Whse to Whse Replenishment

The Warehouse to Warehouse Replenishment transfer is used to replenish warehouse locations in one Warehouse from another Warehouse. This will calculate based on the Location Minimum and Maximum for each location in the Warehouse that you are replenishing.



Tote Barcode Label Print



Replenish Customer Reserved
